Monday, January 31, 2011


There is a lot of snow on the ground. There is theoretically 10 more inches coming within the next two days.

I'm thrilled.

Actually, I'm not. At all. I was enjoying wearing my TOMS for those two days there where it wasn't oober snowy out. Oh well.

I've been having all these thoughts running through my mind recently. Big thoughts, exciting thoughts, new thoughts, active thoughts. And I always think, oh I could remember this thought and write about it, and then typical me, I completely forget the deeply profound thoughts that I think.

So here is my thought: Money.

Money is something that I grew up not having a lot of. I still don't have a lot of money, but I'm always just fine without it. I grew into someone who likes to save all her money, and hide it. I really like to know that it's there, because having money makes me feel secure. But as of late, I don't really like having money. I mean, I like having it because I like to be able to go places and do things and get coffee with my friends and go to Tennessee for Spring Break and such, but I'd much rather give it away. I usually have this struggle in my mind of how awesome it would be to just give away all my money and live off the faith that God would provide for what I needed, and how completely scary and irresponsible that is. Cause, in a way, God HAS been providing for me in faith. That's how I was able to come to school this year, and I really don't know how next year is going to be paid for, that's still all up in the air. But I feel like God calls everyone to do something radical in their life. As of late I've felt like money doesn't really have a place in my life. I've always wanted to make a lot of money and then live on very little of it, give the rest away. That desire within me is super strong right now. The biggest things that hold me back are: providing adequately for a family, wanting a state of the art kitchen, and loving clothes. But I think I can get over the clothes thing, I really do.

I guess I just want to put myself in a situation where I HAVE to depend on God for things. I feel like if I were to live with plenty of money, then I wouldn't feel like I needed to rely on HIM for much of anything.

Anyway....those are my thoughts for now...

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