Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Roommates: Chapter 4

Something that has been on my mind and been a frustrating point in my life since the middle of November is that I resigned my lease and didn't have all the roommates needed to fill all the spaces. Nyssa and I have been looking and looking and asking and attempting to persuade so many people since November. We had several people say yes only to back out just a few days later. I was getting really discouraged that things weren't working out. But I had at least 5 people that said, I'll know in May/June if I need a place to live next year and if I do, I would totally live with you!

Fast forward to March. Spring Break is approaching, people are starting to find out about RA positions, jobs, co-ops, etc. Nyssa and I decide that a choice must be made. If we don't have a new roommate shortly after spring break, then we are breaking our lease and finding a two-person apartment that we can afford. It's not the most ideal plan, but in the long run, it will cost the least amount of money. Keep in mind that throughout all these months of not knowing who I would be living with, I was doing my best to keep the attitude that God had something in mind for us and he WOULD provide. It wasn't until Spring Break time that I thought maybe what he was calling us to do was live somewhere else. Before Spring Break I contacted everyone who was a maybe for living with us and said that we needed some sort of answer by the end of spring break. One after another no's, and sorry's came back and Nyssa and I were prepared to go find a new place to live.

Then low and behold our dear friend Murphy said, "Hey you know my friend Brianna, she still needs a place to live next year. You should ask her."

And just like that, all our plans changed. Brianna and her dove, Mr. Darcy agreed to live with us for the next school year, and all the paperwork was completed within two weeks. As I reflected on it later, I realized that my initial feeling that God would provide someone I couldn't even dream up was absolutely true. I don't even know what prompted me to think that changing leases was the best option, probably just my desire to gain some control of the situation at hand, like I always feel like I need to do. I'm just very glad that God showed us what was best for us in time. It's been a great test of faith and trust in the One whom I often claim to have faith and trust in.

And I'm quite looking forward to what a new year of roommates will bring. Ginny will be dearly missed though... :)


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