Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I've been waiting on this door.

My opportunity has finally come. I got a summer internship working with Sensient Flavors in Indianapolis, Indiana. I am super excited to have the chance to work in industry and experience that side of Food Science. I have been placed in the Savory Lab division, what exactly I will be working on has yet to be determined and will likely vary from day to day.

Getting this internship has been the result of a lot of patience and reliance on God for His timing. I desperately wanted one last summer and it wasn't provided for me. I did however have a great experience working full time at Purdue and learning a lot about working with a variety of people. I am over the moon to be having a different sort of experience this summer though. I will still be living in West Lafayette as the one downside to this internship is that housing is not provided. Living at home would be the same amount of driving as living in Laffy Taffy so I decided to stay in the community of my friends and life at Purdue. I am looking forward to growing in several relationships this summer as one of my roommates is likely staying in Laffy Taffy as well.

I feel like this internship has been a long time coming. It's been hard standing by, watching my friends and peers get internships far before me and gaining all the experience that I want. Honestly it has been hard getting past this idea of entitlement that I should be given something just because I worked for it, just because some people tell me that I should.

I'm looking forward to a new work environment, I'm looking forward to being challenged by a new job, and I'm looking forward to my first foray into the food industry!


1 comment:

  1. Look at you being all mature and stuff. Congratulations! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! :)
