Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I feel like I'm waiting for something.

I'm not really sure what though.
For my summer class to start?
For camp to start so I can see some of my friends on their nights off?
For Josh to get back from Rwanda?
For pre-engagement counseling to begin?
For my first paycheck?
For Caleb to get married?
For something terrible to happen?
For something wonderful to happen?

I don't really know. I get up, I go to work each day, I make food, I see Dan, I relax and watch movies and TV shows that I never got to see during the school year. But what am I really doing? I see all over facebook my friends updating their statuses from Italy and Australia and England and Germany and I just wish that I was somewhere, doing something.

I know that God put me in West Lafayette for a reason this summer. Just like he put me at camp last summer. Just like he does everything the way that he does. But I can't help wondering what it is I should be doing right now. And this isn't the normal saga of what is God's calling in my life and what should I be doing with my life and where am I going and yada yada yada. This is a different wondering. This is a thoughtful ponder of how I should be spending my time after work each day. Or AT work each day. How is God planning on using me this summer? How is he working in me right now? IS he working in me right now?

And then it hits me. Stop watching your movie and go spend some time with God. Have I forgotten how to do that?

1 comment:

  1. It's called REST...and you NEED ENJOY it! Mum
