Friday, May 20, 2011

If all your friends were jumping off a bridge, would you do it too?


Yesterday I got to drive Dr. Philip Nelson to the Indianapolis International Airport after the Aseptic Packaging and Processing Workshop at Purdue.


For all of you that have no idea who Dr. Nelson is, he is one of the biggest names in the Food Science world. He won the World Food Prize in 2007(like the Nobel prize for food people), our building at Purdue is named for him(mostly because he started the department in 1983), and anyone who knows the industry knows who he is. I had the privilege of driving him for 1.5 hours yesterday and we had a lovely chat about school and what he is doing right now, and how he met his wife, etc. etc. It was such a fun experience. While I am not usually one to get all starry-eyed with famous people, the amount of work that Dr. Nelson has done in his life, and all the advancements he has helped bring about in my industry are astounding to me. It was somewhat inspiring to me to be able to talk to him. It made me want to do more in my industry, meet more people, and enjoy what my field of study does. He gave a much broader scope of the world.

I also am beginning to throughly enjoy my work this summer. As the days progress, I get to know the people that I work with and fun adventures are had by all. I've never really experienced a camaraderie with my co-workers before, but I am really enjoying the quirky, unique group of people that I work with. Last night we threw together a cook-out/party with all the food that we found in various fridges around our building. We got together at one of the guy's house, grilled things, deep fried things, blended things, and altogether had a great time. We also decided to rappel off a nearby bridge down to the train tracks beneath it which was SO much fun! One of the guys is hardcore into climbing and crazy outdoor adventurey things so it was all completely safe, but also completely spontaneous. It was one of those things that I will tell my kids about when I am older and always remember with a smile on my face.

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