Monday, February 28, 2011

Whirlwind of Life

Wow, I didn't realize how much time had passed since I had last been on here. Life sure does get crazy sometimes. I'm so looking forward to Spring Break so I can head off to Tennessee for a week and get away from school, Purdue, West Lafayette, the computer, dumb people, etc. Plus, some instituted God-time will be nice as well. It's hard to set aside quality time to just sit in the presence of your creator when there is always homework to be done, people to catch up with, research to work on, things to fix, errands to run...the list goes on and on. I just realized today that I have three exams next week, oops. How on earth has the time gotten away from me?!?

I guess in some ways that is a blessing though because when it is all said and done, I will glad for this semester of my life to be over. There are plenty of awesome things are have happened, are happening, and will happen this semester, but mostly I'm looking forward to not taking my current load of classes and to move on from these few months of life. I'm looking forward to moving out of the dorms and getting to cook for myself again, having a place I can call my own, and just being able to rest, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

There are however some things to look forward to.

Tomorrow Mum, Josiah and Jessica are all coming up to see Blue Man Group and I dearly miss them all. Poor Jess is suffering from bronchitis right now and made a little trip to the ER Sunday night, but regardless I can't wait to hug her again. I've never been much of a homebody, but I've also never had to spend SO much time away from home, even just visits. I haven't seen any of them since the very beginning of January, before I came back to school. I miss not being able to be there for them and see how they mature in their lives. Josiah is almost a man now, his voice is changing, he likes girls, it's crazy! And Jessica just got accepted in the Repertory Company at her dance school, which is a step up from the Apprenticeship that she was in. I am so proud of her!! Unfortunately she will not be able to take the position due to the family moving in the near future, but I am so proud of her accomplishments all the same. She is growing into a lovely dancer. :)

I had a chance to talk to my Mum today and heard good things about Dad and his new job. He is enjoying it a lot more now that it isn't so overwhelming and it sounds as though God has been teaching him a lot in these weeks. I know it's not the ideal situation for him to be apart from the family during the week, but it sounds as though he and mum are still doing well and maybe growing closer because of this. I am thankful that God provided a job for him, regardless of where it is. I do wish that we got free cookies though.....

Also, today in the dining courts a guy called me beautiful, out of the blue. That really made me smile. Not that I don't hear and appreciate it from Dan all the time, but when a random person says it to you, it kind of takes you aback and makes you feel awesome all at the same time.

Well, I guess that's all my ramblings for now...more coherent posts coming soon....hopefully. I told you about those three exams, right?

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