Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentine's Day

I love Valentine's Day. I just do. I always have and I probably always will. I've always been one to love seeing couples being affectionate and in love, I think that love, of any kind is a beautiful thing. Even when I was younger I have loved Valentine's Day. Even when I have been single(which is for most of them) I have loved Valentine's Day.

I think it's a beautiful thing. I mean, we have a holiday for everything else, why not one where we can remember to express our love for the important people in our life. Cause some people don't show affection or love very well, and Valentine's Day is the perfect opportunity where others can help them out. Plus for those who ARE great at regularly making sure that their loved one knows they are loved(aka Dan) then it's a chance to get good deals on fun coupley things. :)

On to the rant portion.

What bothers me are people who are so terribly against Valentine's Day and decide that they are going to be a curmudgeon and attempt to make other people feel bad for having a special guy/girl in their life.
What bothers me is people who say that Valentine's Day is a Hallmark holiday meant to make single people miserable and coax more money out of desperate guys. I mean, do any of these people know anything about Saint Valentine and what he did? (if you don't go google it or something, it's an awesome story)
What bothers me is that people try and make me feel bad that this year I have an amazing guy in my life who wants to have a fun date night with me on a national holiday.
What bothers me is people who say, "Well, you should be telling your person that you love them and showing them all the time, not just once a year when everyone else does." Well to that I say two things. 1. I'm pretty sure that YOU(meaning the person saying this to me) don't do something nice and thoughtful for your person every day or even often. 2. my guy DOES let me know that he loves me often and does thoughtful things for me all the time. So if he wants to take me out then he is freaking allowed to!

Done with the ranting because in spite of people being dumb, I had a fantastic Valentine's Day with my love. He brought me a bouquet of a dozen Milky Way Midnights dressed up as flowers. :D They were attached to dowel rods and tied with ribbons and wrapped in tissue paper. Super creative and sweet(literally). I also got a giant microbe of mononucleosis, the disease that Dan so lovingly imparted on me last year. Then we went and painted pottery together and went out to dinner after. It was a nice evening to just spend together and enjoy each other's company without the presence of other people or the always looming homework. That's what Valentine's Day is about, being able to spend time with those that you love, whether that be your significant other, or your best friends, or your whole family.

So in summary, to those of you that like to hate on Valentine's Day, stop it.
Rant finished.

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