Saturday, April 16, 2011

All Grown Up

Good news: I got a job for the summer here at Purdue! I will be a Lab Technician working in the Pilot Plant and Sensory Lab in the Food Science Department. I am very excited because this is a job that I really wanted and I am really looking forward to working on something completely new. Plus, both the pilot plant and the sensory lab are very hands on and I'm excited about that aspect as well. Plus, my boss is super friendly and a really nice guy. I anticipate learning a lot this summer. It's also a lot of hours, adult hours. Like 8:30am-5:00pm days. Another new experience to get used to. On top of taking a class in Indy. The summer will be rough, but hopefully rewarding.

Bad news: The job starts right after finals week, so I won't be able to go home for any amount of time. I don't get to go be a kid for a few weeks and enjoy the comforts of home before my family moves and it is no longer my home. When I told my mum, she said that she was happy for me, but very sad that I wouldn't be coming home. I'm sad too. Sometimes growing up isn't very fun. As excited as I am for new experiences and living in an apartment on my own and finally being responsible to pay my rent and cook my food, the thought simply terrifies me at times. At times I just want to be able to go back home and stay in my parent's house and know that they will take care of me. I don't want to think about budgets and living expenses and making good decisions. I just want to hang out with my little brother and sister and build massive forts in the living room and eat pizza for lunch every day.

Who knew that growing up would be so sad? That it would be a celebration as well as a mourning process? That it wouldn't just always feel right?

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