Thursday, January 24, 2013

Blessed out of my mind

This is and is going to continue to be a bittersweet semester for me.  I'm so very excited about all the opportunities that I have already have and have lined up for the next few months, many of them culminating in the college graduation of my all my friends.  I however, will be staying at Purdue another year to finish my degree.  It's been hard to come to terms with at times, knowing that the people I have lived life with for the past 3.5 years won't be here after May, but it has caused me at many times to sit and reflect about where I have come from and where God is leading me.

And the thing I keep coming back to again and again is that I am SO. Blessed.  God has opened so many doors for me in the past year and given me the chance and the drive to walk through many of them.  I get to choreograph another piece for PCDC which I am super excited about, I have another internship for this coming summer this time at Cargill in Minnesota, I have the opportunity to continue to mentor and work with the Honors College freshman here at Purdue, I've been asked to do several side projects with one of my dance professors, and I've gotten to see my best friends do great things with their life as well which brings me no end of joy.  Plus on top of that, I get to plan my wedding to one of the best guys I could ever know that somehow makes me keep falling in love with him even when he bugs the crap out of me!

I have been overwhelmed time and time again not only by my crazy schedule and all the lab reports that I write all the time, but by all the love that is poured out on me through the people in my life.  In my life right now I think it does the best job of bringing me to my knees in awe of my Savior.  I honestly don't understand why He has given me so many great things in my life, it's not like I'm by any means the most deserving of them.  Nor do I even make the most of the situations that He puts me in.  I screw so many of them up all the time due to my own selfishness or laziness.  But He continues to give me chances to do all these great things and couples with that the passion and love to make it so fulfilling.

So I guess what I am trying to say here, is that despite how much I may complain this semester about my classes or how busy I am or how difficult it is to do all the things that I want to do, I really am just rolling around and being covered by the love of God expressed through others.  Kind of like diving into the ball pit at Chuck E Cheese.  And boy does it feel good.

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